Thursday, September 26, 2013

Boudoir in Buffalo

I absolutely love Buffalo!  We've been here 6 months so far and it's gorgeous, the people are friendly, and I swear it's sunnier than the DC area...

I've also been having lots of fun doing boudoir shoots out of my home studio.  Here was my first boudoir shoot.  Miss Briana is modeling lingerie from With Love Lingerie. Beautiful, right?

And, I've started up my photoshoot wardrobe collection, courtesy of With Love Lingerie.  Designer garters, slips and cami's all ready for my clients to play dress up with.

Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot:

Shoot Pink

 Great news! I've found a local woman who is a Breast Cancer survivor and wants to pair up with me for "Shoot Pink."  I'm so glad I found this organization. They aim to bring the gift of photography to anyone who was/is diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  You still have time to find your match and participate.
And we all know, next month is Breast Cancer Awareness month... so please join Shoot Pink and offer a free photoshoot with images to a BC survivor. There are so many women who need to tell their story, who deserve to be celebrated, and who would love to feel beautiful. Help them share their journey and help others feel less alone. Use your art to give back.
 Shoot Pink Facebook Page
Facebook group for Photographers
Facebook group for Survivors